Monday, October 22, 2007

Getting closer...

So, yesterday we met with our team and got our Visa and passports back. I am so excited now! I have a book called, "Mei Mei", with b & w photography of children in Chinese orphanages. What strikes me (as it did in Mexico as well) is how much certain facial expressions or features remind me of children in my own life that I know and love. I shared this with my friend, Denise, and she said, 'Doesn't it remind you that we are all truly God's children?"

Anyway, all my nervousness, anxious thoughts, or unease is gone. I am certain that God is going to do something amazing and I am content to be used (as imperfect and messed up as I really am) for His amazing glory. Still not sure why He needs me to go (seems like there must be much better choices) except that maybe He knows I won't chicken out!

We found out today that they moved my brother, Travis, to a prison on the New Mexico border. It is a pre-release prison so, I have been praying for him today. His 25th birthday is on Halloween. I know he doesn't do well with change. He likes and needs routine which ironically makes him a more balanced person when he is locked up. His last letter was really teasing me about going to China where Christianity is "illegal". It isn't really illegal but evangelism is illegal.

Karlee (2) and Eric (5) are coloring pictures for Uncle Travis right now. I overheard them discussing what to write to him. Amazingly they have no idea about Travis being moved and my prayers for him today. But God has laid their uncle on their baby hearts and they are pouring out their expressions of love to him. And even more profound to me is that Karlee was born while he was in prison and Eric hasn't seen him since he was 2 years old. But they love him because I love him and I talk about him all the time. You know maybe they love Jesus because I love him and because I talk about him all the time. But someday I pray they love Travis because they have a relationship with him and that they love Jesus because they have a life-changing relationship with him, too.


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